CBNL thesaurus
- A singular activity.
- Accomodate
- Achieve
- Actuate electric
- Add
- Adjust
- Adorn
- Affix
- Agriculture
- Air
- Alarm
- Alight
- Amend
- Anchor
- Announce
- Apply
- Approach
- Arrange
- Arrange
- Attach
- Attach laterally
- Auction
- Ballast
- Bathe
- Bear
- Beautify
- Berth
- Bid
- Bind (with wire)
- Blind
- Block
- Board
- Boost
- Branch off
- Breach
- Break
- Bridge
- Broadcast
- Broaden
- Buffer
- Build
- Burn
- Bury
- Cable
- Camp
- Canalise
- Capture
- Care
- Carpool
- Catch
- Cathodic protection
- Centre
- Circulating
- Clamp
- Classify
- Clean
- Closed
- Close up
- Collect
- Collect
- Communicate
- Compensate
- Compose
- Compress
- Condense
- Condition
- Conduct
- Conduct
- Confine
- Connect
- Connect electrical
- Connect together
- Constrain
- Contend with
- Control
- Converge
- Convert
- Convert
- Cool
- Count
- Counteract
- Cover
- Cross
- Cross over
- Culture
- Cut
- Cycling
- Decontaminate
- Deepen
- Defend
- Deliver
- Demolish
- Depart
- Deport
- deposit
- Design
- Detect
- Detect
- Deter
- Determine
- Dig out
- Dilate
- Diminish
- Direct
- Discharge
- Discharge vertically
- Disclose
- Disgorge
- Dispatch, settle
- Displace earth
- Display
- Display
- Dispose
- Distill
- Distribute
- Distribute
- Distribution
- Divert
- Divide
- Drain
- Draw
- Drill
- Drink
- Drive
- Drive in
- Driving of piles
- Dry
- Eat
- Education
- Elevate
- Enlist
- Envelope
- Equip
- Establish
- Evaporate
- Evaporate
- Exchange
- Exchange at same level
- Exchange heat
- Execute
- Exhibit
- Exit
- Expand
- Exploit
- Extract
- Facilitate
- Fasten
- Fasten
- Feed through
- Feel
- Fill
- Fill up/in
- Filter
- Finish
- Fish
- Float
- Flow
- Flushing
- Fold
- Form
- Freeze
- Fruit cultivation
- Gain
- Generate
- Get in lane
- Give a ring
- Given in lease
- Glare, Dazzle
- Glue
- Go off
- Gradually, In stages
- Grant
- Graze
- Grind
- Group
- Grouting
- Grow
- Grow through
- Guard
- Guide
- Guide to
- Hand over
- Hang, Suspend
- Harness
- Have a shower
- Heat
- Hoist
- Hold
- Hold together
- House
- Humidify
- Hydraulic
- Impose, Enforce
- Improve
- Indicate
- Infiltrate
- Inhabit
- Inject
- Inspect
- Install
- Insulation
- Intercept
- Join
- Join
- Keeping distance
- Keep out
- Land
- Landing manoeuvres
- Lay foundations
- Lay open
- Lead to, Flow into
- Lean
- Leave
- Leave open
- Lend
- Let in
- Let out
- Let pass
- Level
- Lift
- Light
- Line up
- Link
- Livestock farming
- Load
- Lock, Bolt
- Lock up
- Longterm care
- Look after
- Lower
- Magnify
- Maintain
- Make a signal
- Manage
- Manage communal
- Manually (drive)
- Mark
- Marked
- Maximize
- Measure
- Merge
- Milk
- Model
- Moisturise
- Monitor
- Move
- Move separately
- Navigate
- Network
- Neutralise
- Non technical
- Notify
- Nurse
- Observe
- Observe
- Open
- Operate
- Operate fully automatic
- Organic cleaning
- Orient
- Overflow
- Overflow internal
- Overflow to surface water
- Overgrow
- Overnight stay
- Overtake
- Park
- Park, Store
- Part
- Partially sighted persons
- Participate
- Partition
- Pass
- Passage through lock
- Pause
- pave
- Perceive
- Perforation
- Photograph
- Plate
- Play
- Pneumatic (drive)
- Point
- Political control
- Positioning
- Pouring concrete
- Practice
- Practise
- Press
- Press
- Pretension
- Prevent
- Produce
- Promote
- Prop
- Protect
- Provide services
- Pull
- Pump
- Pump
- Pump
- Purify
- Push
- Put together
- Receive
- Reclaim
- Record
- Recreate
- Redistribute
- Reduce
- Registrate
- Regulate
- Reinforce
- Relate
- Relent
- Relocate
- Remove
- Renovate
- Repair
- Repair works
- Report
- Rigidize
- Rise
- Road works
- Roll
- Rotate
- Routing through a tunnel
- Run through
- Salvage
- Seal off
- Secure
- Secure horizontally
- Segment
- Sell
- Send
- Seperate
- Set
- Set apart
- Settle
- Settled
- Sewer
- Shield
- Shield
- Shift
- Short-circuit
- Show
- Silt up, Accrete
- Simulate
- Sink
- Sit
- Slide
- Slip
- Slow down
- Soften
- Solidify
- Sound
- Span
- Spatial development
- Splice, Bifurcate
- Split up
- Spray
- Spray
- Sprinkle
- Stabilise
- Stand still
- Stay
- Stay temporary
- Stir
- Store
- Store securely
- Stow
- Stow away
- Street vending
- Strengthen
- Substract
- Suck
- Supply
- Support
- Surmount
- Suspended
- Swim
- Swing
- Switch
- Switch
- Switch of roads
- Switch to
- Tailor
- Take off
- Take over
- Take up
- Tap
- Telephone
- Test
- Thermal isolation
- Tile
- To turn
- Traffic marking
- Transfer
- Transfer
- Transform
- Transmit
- Transport
- Treat
- Tree cultivation
- Tumble
- Turn around
- Turn left
- Turn off
- Turn right
- Unauthorised access
- Unload
- Urinate
- Use of toilets
- Vent
- Ventilate
- Ventilate, suck
- Vibrate
- Warn
- Wash
- Water extraction
- Wire
- Work
- Working at height